Learning to Get Along series helps children learn, understand, and practice basic social and emotional skills. Real-life scenarios, lots of diversity, and captivating illustrations make these read-aloud books perfect for home and childcare settings, as well as schools and special education settings. Each book ends with a section of discussion questions, games, and activities adults can use to reinforce what children have learned.
English Version : stocks arrived in early July

Help young children learn to behave responsibly toward themselves and others as they develop the skills of anger management

Help kids understand the importance of rules and the positive sense of pride that comes with learning to follow them.

Children learn peaceful conflict resolution: calm yourself, state the problem, listen, think of solutions, evaluate results, and agree to disagree when a solution isn’t possible.

Teach the basics of cooperation, getting along, making friends, and being a friend.

Teach children simple good manners and gracious behavior including “Please,” “Thank you,” and “I’m sorry.”

Encourage children to put things back where items belong, ask permission to use things that don’t belong to them, and respect the environment.

Help children practice sharing, understand how and why to share, and realize the benefits of sharing.

Help children develop listening skills, understand why it’s important to listen, and recognize the positive results of listening.

Teach children that being honest in words and actions builds trust and self-confidence, and that telling the truth can take courage and tact.

Teach children how to avoid potential dangers, ask for help, follow directions, use things carefully, and plan ahead

Introduce kids to diversity, respecting differences, being inclusive, and appreciating people the way they are.

Build empathy in children; guide them to show they care by listening to others and respecting their feelings

Introduce children to flexibility, stick-to-it-iveness (perseverance), and the benefits of trying something new.

Help children understand their fears and teach them simple coping skills.

Introduce children to gratitude and philanthropy, and show them how they can contribute to their community in simple, meaningful ways.

Chinese Version : pre -order is available

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